About Greenfield Productions

We are a new, ambitious and enterprising production company focussing on the ecosystem of UK policing whether historical, procedural, community based, legal or technological.

The spectrum of our production capabilities and know-how include book publishing, developing media projects, and initiating awards, events and campaigns for the UK policing family.


We are proud to run Greenfield Productions Ltd based on an ethos and principles close to our heart. These constitute our manifesto.

✓ The way we work and engage with our community is with transparency, honest intention, open-mindedness, and enthusiasm.

✓ We believe in policing by consent as first conceived by Sir Robert Peel.

✓ We support the worldwide policing community who work to serve their citizens and keep them safe from crime and its detrimental effect.

✓ As part of our commitment of unrivalled support to the UK’s policing family we select from the spectrum of Police charities the “Greenfield Productions Police Charity of the Year” for which we actively fundraise.

✓ We recognise high calibre new police recruits with our annual “William Foyle Award for the Most Promising New Police Recruit”.

We believe the sky’s the limit!